The Future Of Time Management:

The 2024 Time Sector System.

Are you drowning in never-ending to-do lists, an ocean of emails, notifications and Teams or Slack messages?

You are not alone. The digital age has unleashed a barrage of distractions, interruptions and tasks. Good News! The future of productivity has arrived, and it's called the Time Sector System!

It's been two decades since the turn of the century, and things have changed rapidly! With an average of over 80 daily emails, social media notifications, and the constant buzz of messaging apps, it's time to change how we manage our work.

Introducing the Time Sector System.

A when-based, not project-based system.

The Problem with Projects: Most productivity advice tells us to organise our tasks by project. We've ended up with hundreds of projects, each requiring time and effort to manage—time we don't have.

A Revolutionary Solution: Enter the Time Sector System! It's not about projects; it's about WHEN you will do your tasks. After all, time is the only thing that matters. No matter how motivated you are, you won’t get it done if you don’t have time.

Time Matters Most: "If it's important enough, you will find the time. If it's not, you'll find an excuse." With Time Sectors, your tasks are evaluated based on when you will do them and whether you have the time. No more lost and forgotten tasks buried inside a long list of project folders.

The Time Sector Course: This comprehensive course guides you through setting up the Time Sectors, daily and weekly planning sessions, and managing your goals and projects. Simplicity is built-in because you only need to decide WHEN to do a task.

Simplicity built-in.

How It Works: Do it this week, next week, this month, next month, or later in the year—allocate your tasks to the appropriate Time Sector. When you're in work mode, focus on this week's sector. By week's end, your priorities are done, and nothing is left behind.

  • Do you need to do it this week? Add a day you will do it and put it in this week's time sector.
  • Can it wait until next week? Put it in next week's time sector.
  • Are you not sure yet? Put it in this month's time sector.
  • Can it wait until next month? Put it in next month's time sector.
  • Does it not need to be done until later in the year? Put it in your long-term time sector.

All-in-One Productivity: Everything you need for a productivity system designed for 2024 is right here in this course.

Tech-Friendly: Whether you're an Apple enthusiast or a Microsoft devotee, learn to set up the Time Sector System using Apple's Reminders, Microsoft's To-Do, TeuxDeux, Todoist, and more.

Bonus Section: Plus, I've added an extra section answering all your questions that have arisen since this course first launched.

Meet your teacher.

Teacher Carl Pullein

Introducing Carl: Time Management Innovator and Productivity Coach.

Carl is not just another time management expert; he is the person behind the groundbreaking Time Sector System™ and the COD™ task management system, carefully crafted for the demands of the 21st century.

With a global reach, Carl helps individuals worldwide to master time management and boost productivity. His expertise shines through personalised one-on-one coaching and dynamic group sessions.

The Elegant Power Of Focused Time Management.

  • Effortless Simplicity.

    Say goodbye to clutter and complexity! I’ve created a sleek and minimalistic experience that's incredibly easy to maintain and will effortlessly grow with you.

  • Zero in on what matters.

    Imagine a tool that acts as your day’s personal GPS, steering you directly toward success. The Time Sector System ensures you stay laser-focused on what truly matters—no more distractions and wasted time – just pure, unadulterated productivity.

  • Get Rolling in Minutes.

    With the fast setup guide, you'll be up and running in no time. Whether you're a tech guru or a newbie, you'll have your application of choice purring like a well-oiled machine before you know it.

  • Celebrate Your Journey

    Upon completion, you get a beautifully designed, prestigious certificate. It's not just a piece of paper; it's your badge of honour, your symbol of success! It's a tangible testament to your dedication and hard work.

Say goodbye to the chaos of endless tasks and embrace a simpler, more intuitive way to manage your work.

The Time Sector System is your ticket to reclaiming your time, boosting your productivity, and thriving in the digital world of 2024. Get ready to conquer your tasks and take control of your life—enrol now!

What People Have Been Saying.

Can't Imagine Working Without This System.

Tracey W

Having undertaken your time sector system course about six months ago. After watching lots of your videos, I've finally got a system that works for me.

It’s a unique approach that is simply brilliant.

Michelle P

I truly love the Time Sector System and have never seen anything similar ( even after devouring tons of other productivity systems). The simplicity of this system can work for anyone.

Exactly What I Was Looking For.

Daniel W

Since day one I have internalized this system and work with it every day. Nothing gets forgotten anymore; the lists are clear. Weekly Review has been reduced to a few 15 minutes and I have more free time for my family.

The TSS has allowed me to sleep easier at night

Brian W

Before TSS I never knew what success for that day looked like. I was always feeling that I was missing something even if I knew I had added to my task manager. The TSS has allowed me say “these tasks are important This Week” without actually making up an artificial date to assign them to.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome To The Time Sector Course

    2. The Time Sector Course Workbook

    3. A Quick Note Before You Begin....

    1. The Folder Structure

    2. Setting Up Your Sectors

    1. Using The System

    2. Managing Email Tasks

    1. The Daily Planning

    2. The Weekly Planning Session

    3. The Weekly Planning Template

    1. Managing Goals

    2. Managing Projects

    3. How To Manage Your Projects List

    1. Why Processes Are Better Than Projects.

    2. The Basics Of A Process

    3. Process Examples

About this course

  • $59.99
  • 33 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Start building your future time management system today.

With the revolutionary new time management system, The Time Sector Method.