The Complete Course For Building The Life You Want To Build

In over fifteen years of teaching busy professionals communication skills, I have learnt everyone has the same goal in life. To be happy. The difference, of course, is in what makes us happy. For some that is having a large network of friends to hang out with, for others is it having the financial means to buy nice cars, houses and clothes. 

Whatever it is that makes you happy and ultimately feel you are successful, the way to get there is hard and the road to success is littered with failure. Very few people ever get close to achieving a successful life for themselves. The list of reasons for this is long, but the most common reason for not achieving any kind of success is because most people get caught up in their day to day busy life, have no plan and never think about what it is they want out of life. They just follow what society and others have told them to follow and hope for the best. 

But life is amazing and full of opportunities and possibilities no matter who you are, where you are from or what your education level is. All you need to tap into these opportunities and possibilities is a vision and a plan. A vision of what you want out of life and the way you want to live and work, and a plan to execute on that vision so it becomes a reality. 

This course is a combination of what I have learnt in over twenty years of reading and learning about success. It is also about what I have learnt from the really successful people I have taught over the last fifteen years. The people who have amazing careers, live their lives full of happiness and have an amazingly positive outlook on life. 

What You Get

  • Lifetime Access

    Once you enrol in the course you never loose the course. You will have a guaranteed lifetime access to all the content.

  • Free regular updates

    Many of my courses get updated and once you are enrolled you will get these for free.

  • 44 Lessons and Downloads

    Over two hours of high-quality lessons with downloadable​ worksheets

  • Learn from a master

    With over 25 years experience of working with productivity and time management, you can be assured all the learning points have been thoroughly read-tested.

Your success is within your grasp

What you, do, how often you do it and who you become are all in your power to do.

Course curriculum

    1. 01 - Introduction

    1. 02 - My Story promo

    2. 03 - What is it that makes you happy


    4. What makes You happy?

    5. 04 - What is Your Purpose

    6. What do you want to achieve

    7. 05 - Patience

    8. 06 - Tackling Your Fears

    9. What are you afraid of

    10. 07 - Overcoming Your Fears2

    11. 08 - A Personal SWOT Analysis

    12. SWOT Analysis

    1. 09 - What it Takes To Be Successful PART 1 - Sacrifice

    2. 10 - What it Takes To Be Successful PART 2 - Focus

    3. Success is about focusing on one thing at a time.

    4. 11 - What it Takes To Be Successful PART 3 - Planning

    1. 12 - What's Your vision of a successful life

    2. What do you want to achieve?

    3. 13 - Visualise Your Successful life

    4. A&B Playlist Link

    5. 14 - Creating Your Dream Collage

    6. 15 - Review Time

    7. Checklist

    1. 16 - The What Why and How

    2. Goal planning

    3. 17 - The Daily tasks - actions

    4. Todoist SS

    5. 18 - Developing habits

    6. 19 - Review of the What Why How

    7. Working With Todoist Episode 97

    8. 19 - Review of the What Why How

    1. 20 - Aligning Your Goals

    2. 21 - Developing Self-discipline

    3. 22 - Handling Perfectionism

    4. 23 - Allow yourself some time off

    5. 24 - Dealing With The Daily Busy Work

    6. 25 - Learning From Others

    7. 26 - Stop Blaming Others

    8. 27 - Setting Unrealistic Goals

    9. 28 - Over planning and Under achieving

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 44 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content