Start Your Productivity Journey Here.

The course designed to take you from where you are today, to productivity mastery in just 3 days.

  • Designed For The Beginner.

    This course is simple to follow and the concepts and structures are designed to help you develop the skill and know-how to improve your life through better organisation and time management.

  • Learn and Build

    Learn how to create your own productivity system that allows you to take complete control of your time so you can spend more time doing the things you want to do.

  • Improve Your Efficiency And Effectiveness

    Know exactly what needs doing, by when and how so you can reduce your stress, increase your efficiency and develop your effectiveness

  • Maximise Your Time Management Skills

    Learn how to take control of your time by utilising time​ management strategies that work and that will elevate your energy levels and give you greater freedom on how you spend your time.

2019 Update Now Available

The 2019 update has arrived and this is a biggie. There is a whole new section called “Day 4 And Beyond”

This section gives you all the skills and know-how to maintain your system so if and when things go off course you will have the resources to get yourself back on track quickly and effectively.

The Productivity Myth

There’s a myth about being productive that says becoming more productive means having to do more work. The reality is becoming more productive is about becoming more efficient with your time so you can spend more time with the people you love doing the things you want to do, not the things you are told to do. 

Productivity gets a bad name because it has become associated with the corporate world—time management, input and output numbers and squeezing every last drop of time and energy from employees. 

Personal productivity is about being more effective at work so you have more time to do the things you enjoy doing. It’s about being in control of your time and being clear about what you want to achieve each day. It’s about managing your own energy so you are not dead tired at the end of the day when you are with the people you want to be with. 

That’s why I created this brand new course, From Disorganised To Productivity Mastery in 3 Days. It’s a course for those who have never had a system before, have always scoffed at time management and personal productivity but now feel that the time we have is far too valuable to waste on trivialities. 

 The course is spread out over three days. The first day is all about collecting your stuff. Everything. Your work stuff, your personal stuff and getting it organised in places you can find quickly when you need to find it. The second day is about setting up the system. A system based on my COD (collect, Organise and Do) system and the final day is about implementing the system you have created for yourself.

At the end of each day, you will have a number of homework tasks to complete. Doing your homework will give you the right foundation to start the next day. By completing the exercises and your homework you will build a system and methodology over the three days that will keep all your stuff organised, put you firmly in control of your time and give you the time to do the things you want to do with the people you want to do them with. 

A Life Changing Course

If you've never had a 'system' this course is for you.

There is so much in this course. It’s a course that will change your life and if you do your homework, complete the exercises and implement the system, I can guarantee you will become a productivity master with less stress, more control over how each day runs and will have the energy and vitality at the end of the day to enjoy time spent doing the things you enjoy doing with the people you enjoy doing it with.

Course curriculum

    1. File Organising At Work

    2. Why File By Date?

    3. File Organising At Home

    4. Non Physical stuff

    5. Non-Physical stuff Brain dump

    6. [NEW] File naming

    7. Day 1 Homework

    8. Day 1 Review

    9. Day 1 Homework Checklist

    1. Day 2 Introduction

    2. Day 1 Review (Homework Review)

    3. The tools you need

    4. Setting up Your To-do list

    5. Setting Up Your Calendar

    6. Setting up you notes app

    7. [NEW] Structuring Your Notes

    8. Day 2 Homework

    9. Day 2 Review

    10. Day 2 Homework Checklist

    1. Day 3 Introduction

    2. Day 2 Review (Homework Review)

    3. COD Overview

    4. Collect

    5. Organise

    6. Do

    7. The Golden 10

    8. The Golden Ten Checklist

    9. Putting All Together

    10. Day 3 Review

    11. Course Handbook

    12. Your Special Offer Coupon Codes

    1. Areas of Weakness

    2. 2+8 Prioritisation System

    3. The 2+8 Prioritisation downloadable file

    4. How to Prioritise Your Tasks

    5. The Different Modes Of Work

    6. Managing Your Priorities

    7. Handling Procrastination

    8. Keep It Simple

About this course

  • $59.99
  • 41 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Because being productive is not about doing more work. It’s about spending more time with the people you love, doing the things you enjoy doing.